I said it would never happen, but God, I think she's done it. Joyce Giraud has totally made me a fan! After the first episode of this season's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I was convinced she'd bug me like crazy…and she did. But lo and behold, she's spot-on when it comes to her evaluation of Brandi Glanville. I think she was correct in defending Lisa Vanderpump, and I have to agree with her…Yolanda Foster also annoyed the hell out of me on the third installment of the reunion. If only Joyce weren't so tight with Kaftan Kyle Richards…I guess we can't all be perfect!
Joyce begins her Bravo blog, "I can't believe it's finally the last Episode. So before I dive into my thoughts on tonight's Episode, I want to once again THANK ALL of you for the support, the love, encouragement, and the messages — as I love reading them."
Diving right into the reunion drama, Joyce addresses the downfall of Lisa friendship with both Kyle and Brandi…you know, the downfall Lisa really didn't have much to do with as far as downfalls go! Joyce writes, "Tonight we continue with a lot of old baggage drama between Kyle and Lisa. I wish they could one day talk about it and leave everything in the open as I really do like both of them. The drama between Lisa and Brandi is an entirely different story. I don't see how they could EVER move forward. When people are as vile as Brandi, it's hard to see a future with trust and I believe true friendships must be built on trust, respect, loyalty, and love. I don't see how you can say you love someone, yet talk so poorly about them. One of my favorite moments was when Lisa asked Brandi why she wanted to be her friend if she was so bad."
Moving on to YoFo's constant attempts to (poorly) play peacemaker, Joyce reveals, "Yolanda really annoyed the hell out of me! She was playing referee the ENTIRE reunion. It's one thing to try to reason and another to think you must always act like the voice of reason. Every time anyone spoke, she wanted to make a recap of what they were saying and give her larger than life thoughts on everything. That's why at one point I simply couldn't take it anymore and had to tell her. She's been 'playing' director and referee the entire Season and thinks she can get away with everything," adding, "Once again, she exaggerated on tonight's episode when she spoke about the incident with Ken. She says she remembered facts, but there is a footage that proves her memory of the incident is simply wrong. As humans we all make mistakes…I would have loved if she had said to Ken that the fact was she overreacted, but instead she stubbornly stood by her failed recollection of the events of the night."
You know, I do think Joyce channeled her inner mean girl when laughing with Kyle about Carlton [Gebbia]'s religion. However, she makes some valid points (albeit without any apologies) regarding her co-star's hypersensitivity to the subject. Joyce explains, "After such a long and exhausting day of reunion, it was great when my husband arrived. He always manages to put a big smile on my face. When the husbands joined us, Andy had several questions for them. My husband was asked about the incident with Carlton's 'spell.' I've said on multiple occasions I NEVER believed in any spells. And by saying that, I never disrespected or compared her religion with mine. I never compared her Goddess to my God because I respect every religion. I have friends from all different religions and cultures, and I love learning from them. I have recently met a Wiccan who is simply an amazing woman and has a very positive energy and outlook on life.
She continues, "Like my husband told Carlton at the Reunion, she says she doesn't want people to 'judge' her religion, but she's the first one bringing it up and using it for shock value. If someone is proud of their religion, they don't need to hide it or get upset if someone inquires about it. I believe if Carlton had previously experienced people treating her differently because of her religion, this show would have been the perfect outlet to reach millions of people. She should have used it to educate people about her religion instead of using her religion as shock value and her storyline against Kyle. And by the way, what I do know now is that Wicca is a beautiful, positive religion. Carlton should study her own religion more and get some of it's positive energy. But above all she should do as she preaches. She was the first one to say she hates labels, but she's the first to label everyone else." They all should practice what they preach…of course, then it wouldn't be so entertaining to watch their bad behavior!
Joyce concludes, "I think my biggest takeaway of how I felt during this Season is that I was very proud to remain true to myself. Like I always said: I'm not a $100 bill for everyone to like, but one thing I am is honest. And I'm proud to say I never compromised my integrity. Yes, there were many things I should've done differently. I wish I had not gotten nervous and touched my hair so much. At times I wish I could have expressed myself better, instead of thinking in Spanish and translating in my head. And I wish my tagline would have been the one I wanted (Beauty is only skin deep, it's what's in your heart that matters). Lots of people ask me if I would do the show again if I could go back in time and the answer is yes. This show brought me to all of you and the love and support I get even in the streets is simply priceless. For that I will forever be grateful."
Curses, Joyce (not literally! ) You've gone and changed my opinion of you…Sochi dress and all!
[Photo Credit: Guillermo Proano/WENN.com]