Yolanda Foster has been honored with an award for her advocacy in finding a Lyme Disease cure. Again. Cause hashtags save lives! And so do sick-selfies for 52 zillion treatments in foreign countries which most people have no access to!
Apparently, the powers that be at various Lyme Disease organizations did not tune in very closely to this season of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, during which Yolanda‘s Lyme and various co-infections, treatments, and non-cures were put through the ringer and labeled Munchausen because they didn’t understand the many confusing facets of her journey. Or perhaps her perseverance through the chronic questioning is the very thing that makes her such valiant advocate for Lyme?
Over the weekend, the Stand4Lyme Foundation presented Yolanda with the Catalyst 4 Cure award for her efforts raising awareness to the invisible disease that has robbed her of her ability to think, read, speak, wear makeup, be honest about her marriage, or watch TV – but luckily hasn’t prevented her from appearing on TV (again and again)! Also, Yolanda, who has recently seen 30% improvement in her brain functioning, was able to rally by putting on makeup to receive her award.
Naturally, Yolanda posted a selfie thanking the organization for honoring her. Yolanda’s journey to the center of the cure has recently included attending events alongside Ally Hilfiger, who just published a book, Bite Me, about her own Lyme Disease journey.
Despite her diminished LymeBrain, Yolanda is also in the process of writing her own book. Above, Yolanda and Ally.
“Thank you to the Stand4Lyme Foundation,” announced Yolanda. “I am honored to receive the Catalyst 4 the Cure award……. #Stanford #MakingLymeHistory #WeMustFindACure #LymeDiseaseAwareness @stand4lyme & Stanford Lyme Disease Working Group” Is Yolanda going to say she works for Sanford now?
Stand4Lyme is an organization working in conjunction with some Stanford scientists in hopes of “Making Lyme History.” Yolanda has also been promoting more widespread awareness for the invisible chronic disease through the Take A Bite Out Of Lyme Challenge on Instagram. Unfortunately, unlike the last time she participated in the challenge, none of her fellow Real Housewives joined in.
Congrats Yolanda for working hard on behalf of the little people. #AfordableForAll
[Photo Credit: Instagram]
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