Eileen Davidson may be experiencing the sophomore slump as a year two housewife; or maybe she’s just exhausted from pretending to care about LymeGate. But whatever her reasons, she’s been a bit irritated as of late, and came at the queen last night with guns blazing! In her blog, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star questions Lisa Vanderpump’s friendship, along with Kathryn Edwards’ motives in spilling all of Erika Girardi’s dirt virtually 24 hours after receiving it! Seems like Eileen thinks everyone has a lot of ‘splainin to do. (Can we start with Yolanda Hadid? Pretty, pretty please!)
Concerning Yolanda’s passive-aggressive ‘bi-polar’ comment, Eileen reflects, “Originally, I brought up Yolanda’s bi-polar comment (with Yolanda’s blessing, by the way) in an attempt to explain to Lisa [Rinna] how Yolanda still felt about everything. At lunch, it took on a different connotation. Kyle [Richards] is right: ‘Putting it out there is putting it out there.’ By Yolanda saying ‘she has too much class’ to accuse Lisa R. of being bi-polar, she’s putting it out to the universe just as much as Lisa R. did about the Munchausen’s. After all of this, maybe now we can just call it a draw?”
Eileen expresses surprise at Kathryn spilling the details of her conversation over lunch with Erika. “It looked like Kathryn was sincerely trying to get to know Erika. Erika divulged a lot of personal information about her grandmother’s death and her trust issues with women. Then she told Kathryn that Lisa V. likes to move things to her advantage from the sidelines, giving what she witnessed between Lisa V. and me in the Hamptons as one example. Kathryn volunteered to be Erika’s ‘first genuine woman friend.’ Then Kathryn went to dinner with us, the same day, and told all of us that Erika said Lisa V. was manipulative. If that’s a ‘genuine woman friend,’ I think I’ll take a fake friend any day! What was that? I like Kathryn, but I thought she was smarter, and kinder, than that.”
Since the Hamptons trip, Eileen has held on to hurt feelings about Lisa V questioning her “affair” with now-husband, Vince. But Eileen defends, “As I said in this episode, it’s not about getting an apology anymore. It stopped being about that when I saw how Lisa V. dismissed my feelings when I initially told her I was uncomfortable. She acted like I was attacking her and admitted she thought I was still attacking her at dinner the second time around. That was never my intention. I suppose I am still trying to have some kind of a genuine relationship with her, and maybe that’s my second mistake. My first mistake was when I told her my feelings in the Hamptons.”
Joking that she’s “not a masochist (well, not completely anyway),” Eileen argues that she eventually gave up on achieving resolution with Lisa V at lunch. “At a certain point it was obvious I wasn’t getting anywhere. I told Lisa V. I’d let it go and I was ready to move on. After all, it was Lisa V. who said, ‘Maybe we will never get each other.’ But once I’d dropped it, that’s when she wanted to talk about it! She accused me of sweeping everything under the rug (this from the woman who, 10 minutes prior, talked about ponies to evade the topic).”
Eileen continues, “When she wasn’t satisfied with my answer, she tried to make me quantify ‘how good’ I was. It’s ridiculous and hypocritical that she had to be ‘really f—ing good to move on,’ when all I’d been trying to do is find resolution the whole time myself. I can only surmise that resolution has to be solely on HER terms. Controlling much? Even worse than that, she implied that I was being ‘petty.’ Personally, even if I don’t agree with them, I would never consider people’s feelings as petty. Oh, and speaking of being petty? Sorry about not bringing you that birthday card, Lisa!” Ooh… ouch!
Eileen closes her blog with her bottom line feelings about LVP: she’s not a true friend. (Oh no! More “Hollywood Friend” accusations? Say it ain’t so!) “So, my take away is: My thoughts, feelings, and resolution are not valid to Lisa V. But her own resolution and opinion are so important that she has to wag her finger at me to get me to tell her what she wants to hear. That is not friendship. That is a hostage situation. And despite the fact I could no longer engage in this maddening discussion, I see her in a new light because of it.”
Photo Credit: Bravo
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